Saturday, 22 June 2013

Smash Scones

Another recipe that sounds horrible but really isn't! These go with anything and make a good substitute for bread with things like soup or stew (although I haven't tried it as a sandwich!) They are also one of my picnic favourites (picnic post coming next week...)

They can be made as little scone shapes...

Or as one big piece which you can slice up (good as soldiers for dippy eggs according to my friend Wendy, that is on my 'to try' list this week!)


3 eggs
1 tub of low fat cottage cheese (I use the chive one)
1 packet of Smash (176g size)
Enough water to bring it all together


Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

1. Mix eggs and cottage cheese in a large bowl.

2. Add Smash and mix until it starts to come together as a dough type mixture.

3. Add water, a little bit at a time - you don't want it runny, just so it sticks together.

4. Spray a baking tray with Fry Light and either roll the mixture into balls and flatten slightly, or tip the whole mixture onto the try and flatten and compact it with a fork, scraping any bits that fall off back into the sides.

5. Bake for about 20 minutes (might take more or less depending on your oven and whether they are balls or one big piece). They should be firm and golden brown on top when they are done.

I've also used this mixture to make fish cakes, just added a tin of tuna, some finely chopped red onion and spring onions to the mixture before I put the Smash in. They also froze really well, wrapped individually in freezer bags after they had cooled down. I then let them defrost in the fridge overnight and just reheat in the oven.

Jen x